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Fat Fasting on Keto Diet

Fat Fasting on Keto Diet: What is it and what are the benefits?

If you are on Keto diet and want to take it to another level, then fat fasting on Keto is a good strategy which has a lot of benefits too.

In today’s world where people are looking for faster ways to lose weight, fat fasting has become a rage. This is not a new concept as it has been followed by many cultures across the world. Fat fast diet (or in simple terms, Fat Fasting on Keto) is an eating plan that restricts your calorie intake to almost only fat and protein.

This kind of ketogenic diet plan involves reducing your intake of carbohydrates while upping your consumption of healthy fats such as olive oil, ghee, MCT oil, and other saturated fats. Read on this article to know more about fat fasting on Keto diet:

What is Fat Fasting on Keto?

First of all, you should know what is Fat Fasting on Keto. Fat fasting is a type of nutritional fasting where you eat very little to no carbohydrates. In a regular fast, which you might have heard about, you don’t eat anything at all. When you are fasting, your body isn’t getting any nutrients from your food. It’s a temporary way of eating that has been around since the beginning of human civilization. People in ancient civilizations often practiced fasting as a way of healing illnesses, meditating, and spiritual cleansing. Nowadays, people fast for another reason – to lose weight.

Why should you do Fat Fasting on Keto?

There are various reasons why you should do fat fasting on Keto:

1 - This is a great way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. If you’re trying to lose some extra pounds, this can be a great option to kickstart your journey without much effort.

2 - This is a great way to curb your craving for carbs. If you’re someone who is trying to stay away from carbohydrates, this can be a great option for you.

3 - If you’re practising intermittent fasting, then this can be a great option for you.

How does fat fasting on Keto work?

It works by significantly reducing your calorie intake, which will in turn lead to weight loss. It also helps you shed water weight in the first few days of practising this diet.

1 - What happens during fat fasting on Keto is that your body goes into ketosis. This is basically a metabolic state when your body starts breaking down fats for fuel.

2 - So when you are in ketosis, your body is not breaking down carbohydrates. Instead, it uses fats as fuel. This is exactly what you want to happen.

3 - When you eat a very low amount of carbohydrates and high amounts of fat, your body has no choice but to start burning fats for energy.

4 - And so, instead of storing them in your body, your body releases them. This leads to weight loss as well as an overall feeling of wellness.

Pros of Fat Fasting on KEO diet

There are many benefits to fat fasting on Keto diet. Some of them are mentioned below:

1 - This is a great way to kickstart your weight loss journey. If you’re trying to lose some extra pounds, this can be a great option for you.

2 - This is a great way to curb your craving for carbs. If you’re someone who is trying to stay away from carbohydrates, this can be a great option for you.

3 - If you’re practising intermittent fasting, then this can be a great option for you.

4 - It boosts your metabolism.

5 - It increases your energy levels.

6 - It makes you feel lighter both inside and out.

7 - It is effective for all body types.

8 - It is easy to do. You don’t have to change your lifestyle completely. You just have to be disciplined.

Cons of Fat Fasting on KEO diet

There are very few cons of fat fasting on Keto diet. Some of them are mentioned below:

1 - This isn’t a long-term solution for weight loss. You need to make sure that you go back to your normal eating habits after the diet.

2 - You might start craving for sweets, carbs, etc. during the first few days of fat fasting on Keto.

3 - If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid this diet.

4 - You need to be careful about your daily intake of fat and protein.

5 - You’ll lose water weight in the first few days.

6 - You might feel lethargic in the beginning due to lack of carbohydrates.

Key Takeaway

If you are on Keto diet and want to take it to another level, then fat fasting on Keto is a good strategy. It involves reducing your intake of carbohydrates while upping your consumption of healthy fats such as olive oil, ghee, MCT oil, and other saturated fats. You can also try Keto 80 for a more effective method of doing this. If you are looking to lose weight, fat fasting on Keto can be a good option. It is a great way to kickstart your weight loss journey as well as curb your craving for carbs. It is also a great way to boost your metabolism, increase your energy levels, and make you feel lighter both inside and out. Additionally, it is easy to do and doesn’t require you to make any drastic changes to your lifestyle.

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